Sunday, June 24, 2007

What is Acid Reflux ?

Acid Reflux is the other generally used name of Gastro-esophageal reflux disease, also more often referred as GERD. Acid Reflux Disease causes damage to the esophagus as the acidic contents from the stomach, containing acids and pepsin, pushes back to the esophagus since the sphincter becomes weak and can no-more prevent the contents from stomach from gushing back in esophagus.

The acidic contents burn the esophagus and causes irritation in the esophagus. This is a chronic disease, which has life long repercussions. The treatment in this case can only help temporarily, i.e., as well as one continues with the medication for Acid Reflux.

If you suffer the discomfort of heartburn caused by acid reflux more than occasionally, you may have a more serious problem. After an especially spicy or heavy meal, even very healthy people can experience a bit of regurgitation of stomach contents which may not be acid reflux related. If this is rare, it's simple heartburn and nothing to worry about. But if it's a familiar sensation for you, you could be suffering from Acid Reflux.

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