Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Lung Carcinoma

Lung carcinoma is a malignant lung tumor usually categorized as small cell or non–small cell. Cigarette smoking is the major risk factor for most types. Symptoms include cough, chest discomfort, and, less commonly, hemoptysis, but many patients are asymptomatic and some present with metastatic disease. Diagnosis is suspected by chest x-ray or CT scan and confirmed by biopsy. Treatment is with surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation therapy. Despite advances in treatment, the prognosis is poor, and attention is focused on early detection and prevention.

Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Classification

An estimated 171,900 new cases of lung carcinoma are diagnosed each year in the US, and the disease causes 157,200 deaths annually. The incidence is rising in women and appears to be leveling off in men. Black men are at especially high risk.

Cigarette smoking, including passive (secondhand) smoking, is the most important cause. Risk differs by age and smoking intensity and duration; risk after smoking cessation declines but probably never returns to baseline. Exposure to radon, a breakdown product of naturally occurring radium and uranium, is the most important environmental risk factor in nonsmokers.

Chest Wall Tumors

Primary chest wall tumors consist of 5% of all thoracic tumors and 1 to 2% of all primary tumors. Almost 12 are benign, the most common of which are osteochondroma, chondroma, and fibrous dysplasia. A wide range of malignant chest wall tumors exist. Over 12 are metastases from distant organs or direct invasions from adjacent structures (breast, lung, pleura, mediastinum). The most common malignant primary tumors arising from the chest wall are sarcomas; about 45% originate from soft tissue and 55% from cartilaginous or bony tissue. Chondrosarcomas are the most common primary bone chest wall sarcoma and arise in the anterior tract of ribs and less commonly from the sternum, scapula, or clavicle. Other bony tumors include osteosarcoma and small-cell malignant tumors (Ewing's sarcoma, Askin's tumor). The most common soft-tissue primary malignant tumors are fibrosarcomas (desmoids, neurofibrosarcomas) and malignant fibrous histiocytomas. Other primary tumors include chondroblastomas, osteoblastomas, melanomas, lymphomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, lymphangiosarcomas, multiple myeloma, and plasmacytomas.

Symptoms, Signs, and Diagnosis

Soft-tissue chest wall tumors often present as a localized mass without other symptoms; some patients have fever. Patients usually do not experience pain until the tumor is more advanced. In contrast, primary cartilaginous and bone tumors are often painful.

Patients with chest wall tumors require chest x-ray, CT, and sometimes an MRI to determine the original site and extent of the tumor and whether it is a primary chest wall tumor or a metastasis. Biopsy confirms the diagnosis.

Bronchial Carcinoid

Bronchial carcinoids are rare, slow-growing neuroendocrine tumors arising from bronchial mucosa that affect patients in their 40s to 60s.

Half of patients are asymptomatic, and 1⁄2 present with symptoms of airway obstruction, including dyspnea, wheezing, and cough, which often leads to a misdiagnosis of asthma. Recurrent pneumonia, hemoptysis, and chest pain are also common. Paraneoplastic syndromes, including Cushing's syndrome due to ectopic ACTH, acromegaly due to ectopic growth hormone–releasing factor, and Zollinger-Ellison due to ectopic gastrin production, are more common than carcinoid syndrome (see Carcinoid Tumors: Carcinoid Syndrome), which occurs in < 3% of patients with the tumor. A left-sided heart murmur (mitral stenosis or regurgitation) occurs rarely due to serotonin-induced valvular damage (as opposed to the right-sided valvular lesions of GI carcinoid).

Diagnosis is based on bronchoscopic biopsy, but evaluation often initially involves chest CT, which reveals tumor calcifications in up to 1⁄3 of patients.

Drug Information
scans are useful for determining regional and metastatic spread. Increased urinary serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels support the diagnosis but are not commonly present.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Airway Tumors

Primary tracheal tumors are rare (0.1/100,000 people). They are often malignant and found at a locally advanced stage. The most common malignant tracheal tumors include adenoid cystic carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, carcinoid, and mucoepidermoid carcinomas. The most common benign airway tumor is a squamous papilloma, although pleomorphic adenomas and granular cell and benign cartilaginous tumors also occur.

Symptoms, Signs, and Diagnosis

Patients often present with dyspnea, cough, wheezing, hemoptysis, and stridor. Hemoptysis occurs with squamous cell carcinoma and can lead to earlier diagnosis, whereas wheezing or stridor occurs more often with the adenoid cystic variant. Dysphagia and hoarseness can also be present initially and usually indicate advanced disease.

Symptoms of airway narrowing can herald life-threatening airway obstruction and require immediate hospitalization and evaluation with bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy can both stabilize the airways and obtain specimens for diagnosis. If a malignancy is found, more extensive testing for metastases is done.

Air Pollution–Related Illness

The major components of air pollution in developed countries are nitrogen dioxide (from combustion of fossil fuels), ozone (from the effect of sunlight on nitrogen dioxide and hydrocarbons), and suspended solid or liquid particles. Burning of biomass fuel is an additional important source of particulate matter indoors in developing countries. Passive smoking can be considered as related.

The effect of air pollution on lung disease can be substantial at high pollution levels, which can trigger asthma and COPD exacerbations. People living in areas with high traffic, especially when stagnant air is created by thermal inversions, are at particular risk. Of the so-called criteria air pollutants (oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, ozone, carbon monoxide, lead, and particulates), only CO and lead do not affect airways hyperreactivity. Long-term exposure may increase respiratory infections and symptoms in the general population, especially children.

Ozone, which is the major component of smog, is a strong respiratory irritant and oxidant. Levels tend to be highest in the summer, late morning, and early afternoon. Short-term exposures can produce dyspnea, chest pain, and airways reactivity. Children who participate in outdoor sports during high ozone pollution days are more likely to develop asthma. Long-term exposure to ozone produces a small, permanent decrease in lung function.

Dental Health

A bright smile and sweet-smelling breath may be two of the mainstays of Madison Avenue, but the fact remains that healthy teeth and gums can improve your overall well being.

In fact, research studies have recently pointed to gum disease as a trigger to other more serious conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

There was a time when going to the dentist struck fear into the bravest of characters, but today improved techniques have lessened the degree of discomfort felt even in complicated dental procedures.

On the Web, find out more about recent advances in dentistry and cosmetic dentistry, plus how to's on coping with toothache pain, common phobias, and more on self-care, brushing, flossing, and otherwise maintaining good dental habits through a lifetime ...

Alternative Medicine

When East meets West in modern medicine it can often be a source of controversy, but recent studies have been turning up some very persuasive arguments for incorporating non-Western medicine and holistic approaches with more traditional views.

Non-drug treatments are an important part of the debate.

The controversial use of herbs,vitamin and mineral therapies. acupuncture, and chiropracty are now more mainstream than ever as consumers hear more about the sometimes harmful side-effects of traditional drug treatments.

In particular, news about the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids - proven to treat a host of conditions from ADD to macular degeneration - point to a growing trend toward over-the-counter risk prevention and self-care.

On the Web, keep informed at top sites offering information, results of recent studies, news & updates on the alternative approach to health & fitness ...

Getting The Flu

Getting the Flu Vaccine

If you get the flu vaccine, or shot, it will protect you from getting a bad case of the flu. You either won't get the flu at all or, if you do get it, you will have only mild symptoms and you should get better pretty quickly. Like other shots, a flu shot is given using a needle. There's also a nasal mist flu vaccine, which is a spray that's squirted up your nose.

Whichever one you get, you need to get a new vaccine every year. Why? Because the flu virus changes every year and the vaccine is specially created to fight the viruses that are going to be a problem that year.

How Does the Flu Spread?

This virus gets around in little drops that spray out of an infected person's mouth and nose when he or she sneezes, coughs, or even laughs. You can catch the flu from someone who it if you breathe in some of those tiny flu-infected drops. You can also catch the flu if those drops get on your hands and you touch your mouth or nose. No wonder people are always saying to cover your mouth when you sneeze!
What If You Get the Flu?

But even if you steer clear of sneezers and you wash your hands regularly, you still might get the flu. At the doctor's office, the doctor will ask you how you've been feeling and examine you. He or she might use a long cotton swab to get a sample of the gunk in your nose or throat. Testing this sample in a lab can determine, for sure, that you have the flu. But usually this isn't necessary. Based on your symptoms, your doctor can usually tell if you have the flu, especially during times when a lot of flu is going around your town.

Once your doctor says you have the flu, you can start taking these steps to feel better:

* Rest in bed
* Drink lots of liquids, specially water
* Take the medicine prescribe by your doctor.

This is just a simple tips.. when you got flu you know what to do already.

Monday, July 9, 2007

How to Care for Yourself During Radiation for Breast Cancer

Each person responds differently to radiation (high-energy rays used to kill cancer cells), but there are steps you can take for good self-care that will help protect your skin and minimize the side effects of radiation.

Step One

Sleep as much as you like after radiation. You could feel fatigued for up to six weeks after treatment.

Step Two

Eat a balanced diet. Be careful to avoid weight loss.

Step Three

Wear a comfortable bra and loose clothing. If your bra rubs, place a soft cloth between your bra strap and skin. Also, avoid rubbing or scrubbing the treated area.

Step Four

Keep the skin-fold area under your breast clean and dry to prevent blistering.

Step Five

Talk to your doctor before you use any lotions, powders, perfumes, soaps or deodorants on the area being treated.

Step Six

Avoid starching your clothes as this may affect the treatment area. Use a mild laundry detergent when washing.

Step Seven

Bathe the treated area in lukewarm water. Extreme hot or cold temperatures can injure your skin.

Step Eight

Stay out of the sun as much as possible and wear light clothing over treated area when going outdoors. Ask your doctor before you use sunscreen.

Step Nine

Before radiation, discuss any medications you are on with your physician and consult with your physician after treatment as well if you need to use any medication, even over-the-counter medications.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Benefit Of Massage Therapy!

Massage Therapy works the soft tissue-muscles, ligaments and tendons-to stimulate circulation and improve muscle tone. It is a system of kneading and pressing on specific muscle bundles just underneath the skin, but a good Massage Therapy therapist can reach deeper muscles. Massage Therapy is and ancient and simple form of therapy.

Another benefit of Massage Therapy is improved breathing and circulation. Because the lymphatic system runs parallel to the circulatory system, there is improved elimination of waste through out the body, and in order to experience the full benefits the client is taught how to breathe deeply and slowly. While the few initial visits were quite uncomfortable, the full result was entirely relaxing.
An occasional soft Massage is so relaxing that many people fall asleep during the treatment.

However, if you have pain like mine a course of several treatments of Massage Therapy will result in the full benefit, such as along with increased circulation and improved breathing, a relaxed muscle is a good way to prevent sprains and torn ligaments, especially if you are an athlete. ( I am far from being an athlete, but am just as prone to injury from excess tension and structural weakness.)

For example, when the structure in my lower back is compromised due to inactivity, I am much more likely to strain my back when I lift heavy objects, even though I am aware of how to properly lift a box-with your knees, not with your back- but because my legs and lower back are weak, Massage Therapy can greatly improve the position of the muscles and makes them more pliable, thus resulting in less chance of sprain or strain.

Massage Therapy is also used to relieve fatigue, which can be caused from the muscles in the body being so tight that you use extra energy to function. Because Massage Therapy relaxes the muscles, the entire body doesn't have to work so hard and what was once fatigue can now be energy directed elsewhere.
One last note on the benefits of Massage Therapy-the use of Massage Therapy oils help lessen the friction of Massage Therapy on dry skin, and are often used as an aromatherapy along with the Massage Therapy process. A good, clean essential oil such as rosemary can leave the client feeling relaxed and calm, so don't hesitate to ask your therapist to use scented oil.

Massage Therapy - Tips For Massage Therapy!

Massage Therapy

I originally thought that Massage Therapy would be a gentle, soothing Massage Therapy that would lessen the ever present tightness in my shoulders and lower back. Boy was I wrong.

I made an appointment at the insistence of my boss because the neck pain I had experienced since adolescence was becoming more intense from the way I sat at my computer.

I was led into a pastel room with soft lighting and asked to strip to my underwear and lay face down on the table. My head went into a donut shaped holder and there was a place to rest my arms. The Massage Therapy therapist came in and asked me some questions about the location of my pain and then went to work.

It was the most excruciating pain I had ever felt.

What is Massage Therapy?

Deep tissue Massage Therapy is used for breaking up the tightness in the muscle tissue and retraining the muscles. Although the first few sessions seemed to hurt more than they helped, I stuck with it, coming three times a week for a month. By the end of the second month I had begun to look forward to each session and noticed that I wasn't clenching my jaw as much. I also noticed that my lower back didn't hurt as much at the end of the day.

The therapist had given me several back stretching exercises to do at night and the results were amazing. I now refer all of my friends with muscle pain for Massage Therapy.

Acid Reflux Treatment?

The most popular and largely used drug for this disease is PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitors), this is the drug which is generally prescribed by the doctors for relief from the pains causing due to the attacks of Acid Reflux. The drug helps in stopping the production of the acidic contents in the stomach which pushes into esophagus and cause acid reflux.

Not many side effects do these drugs have, but are really relieving at times of attacks.
The other drug primarily prescribed by the doctors all over the world is 2 Blocker, which also restores relief to the esophagus. Both these drugs have been proved to be successful drug therapy for long term acid reflux sufferers. But patients with more severe damages, who don’t respond to these drugs, are prescribed more radical drugs, with strong effects, known as Promotility agents. These drugs have sometimes adverse side effects, so these are very seldom prescribed by the doctors.

What can be done about Acid Reflux?

People can change their diets to actually eliminate or reduce the effects of Acid Reflux.

A proper routine can be made to reduce the problem which generally causes due to the irregular habits of eating or eating more junk food and also from excessive drinking. Patients also in this case maintain diaries for keeping a track of what they eating and drinking to keep a check on the recurrence of the attacks of Acid Reflux. And when these controlled diets also don’t help in controlling the disease then the doctors resorts to drugs to keep the acid reflux disease in a controlled position.

How to Diagnose Acid Reflux ?

To diagnose Acid Reflux, one can go through gastroscopy, since the symptoms of Acid Reflux are so mild that diagnosing them is very difficult and people rather than going to the doctor stick to own medication. The very commonly used resort to escape the pains and the problems from GERD or Acid Reflux is going for an antacid.

Acid reflux may be caused by a malfunctioning esophagus either because its sphincter valve where it connects to the stomach isn't working right or because it does not contract property and move food along the way it's supposed to;

Acid reflux may cause a bulging of the stomach into the chest area, called a hiatal hernia;

Acid reflux may cause improper emptying of the stomach, so it sits in the stomach instead of being pushed to the small intestine, sort of like a clogged drain.

What is Acid Reflux ?

Acid Reflux is the other generally used name of Gastro-esophageal reflux disease, also more often referred as GERD. Acid Reflux Disease causes damage to the esophagus as the acidic contents from the stomach, containing acids and pepsin, pushes back to the esophagus since the sphincter becomes weak and can no-more prevent the contents from stomach from gushing back in esophagus.

The acidic contents burn the esophagus and causes irritation in the esophagus. This is a chronic disease, which has life long repercussions. The treatment in this case can only help temporarily, i.e., as well as one continues with the medication for Acid Reflux.

If you suffer the discomfort of heartburn caused by acid reflux more than occasionally, you may have a more serious problem. After an especially spicy or heavy meal, even very healthy people can experience a bit of regurgitation of stomach contents which may not be acid reflux related. If this is rare, it's simple heartburn and nothing to worry about. But if it's a familiar sensation for you, you could be suffering from Acid Reflux.

How to Lose Weight


Step 1:

Set small, realistic goals. If you have a lot of weight to lose, try for 5 pounds, relax a bit and then go for 5 more.

Step 2:

Start a regular exercise program and stick with it. Don't be afraid of those sweat suits and Lycra pants!

Step 3:

Sneak in extra exercise in addition to your regular program. Park at the far end of the parking lot and walk; take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Step 4:

Eat low-fat, high-fiber foods such as salads and vegetable pastas.

Step 5:

Choose foods that you like. Learn to prepare healthful, low-calorie foods that taste good by checking healthy cook books for new recipes. Eating well doesn't have to mean eating dull.

Step 6:

Eat smaller, more frequent meals. This way, your body starts to increase its metabolism so that calories are burned faster. Also, mini-meals can prevent overeating.

Step 7:

Plan ahead. Keep the fridge stocked with healthful food and you'll be less likely to run out for high-calorie, high-fat junk food.

Step 8:

Keep a food diary. This will help you pinpoint where you can improve your diet.

Step 9:

Once you discover your favorite snack time, be sure to have plenty of healthful options available.

Tips & Warnings

* Lose weight with a friend, or join a support group.

* Avoid those vending machines by carrying around your own healthful foods and leaving pocket change at home.

* Try oatmeal instead of cornflakes for breakfast--eating oatmeal can help reduce cholesterol levels, and its high fiber content will keep you full longer.

* Choose an exercise program that you enjoy, and don't shun the unconventional. For instance, did you know that regular vigorous dancing is exercise too?

* Lose weight gradually--you are more apt to keep it off. A safe amount is 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per week.

* Consult a doctor to find an exercise program that is best for you.

* Crash diets can help you lose weight quickly, but most people gain the weight back. Some of these diets are also unhealthy and dangerous. If you choose to go with a specific diet plan, choose one that is medically credible.

* If you have any questions or concerns, contact a physician or other health care professional before engaging in any activity related to health and diet. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

Friday, June 22, 2007

What's really a "Healthy Diet" ?

It is time to admit that almost all diets explained in hundreds of diet books could actually be dangerous for your health.

Why ?

Because we humans are not all identical. I will try to introduce you to the term "food tolerance".
Not all people tolerate all foods!
Because each of us is one and only, unique, unrepeatable, different then anybody else, we can hardly learn about diet just by reading the "old fashion" books listing foods: "this is good food", "this is bad food".

What is Food Intolerance?

It is a sensitivity to elements/chemicals found in food. Unlike an allergy, an amount of the food identified may be able to be eaten without producing illness. The amount varies from person to person. During times of stress or hormonal change a person may become more sensitive/intolerant.

Intolerance to salicylate, amines, lactose and gluten (celiac disease) are examples of intolerances to natural elements/chemicals. Salicylate is found in most food that grows in or out of the ground. Amines are found in approximately 70% of the same foods as salicylate. They are also found in some meat, fish and cheeses. Gluten or gluten like substances are found mainly in wheat, barley, oats and rye. Lactose is found in milk and some other dairy products.
Intolerance to different lectins, surface proteins is most common intolerance. Most often, foods that we do not tolerate, we can not properly digest.

There are also many people who are intolerant of introduced chemicals/elements, such as MSG, sulphites (a preservative used in many processed foods, including wine) and other common food additives. MSG and salicylate are found naturally in some food. Extra amounts of MSG and salicylate are introduced into some foods and beauty products to enhance flavor, freshness or fragrance.

Fever - Prevention & Curing Protocol

This Fever Prevention and/or Curing Protocol is for people who are ready to take the full responsibility for their own health.

"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."
Chinese Proverb.

The protocol incorporates lifestyle change, and implements healthy diet, body cleansing, exercises and different traditional and natural therapies. Protocol contains links to other pages that give detail explanation for each part of this program. Please, follow the links, to fully understand all the words. Remember: There is always something that can be done! The first thing to do is to change your mood. If you are depressed, if you are unhappy, you can not be healthy. Advice:

start with the Laughing cure!

Laughing provides us with the natural inner massage, and through change of mood it can account for up to 30% of cure!

Body Cleansing

Body Cleansing - an important part of Healthy lifestyle

Now, let's start with body cleansing. Body cleansing is extremely important part of every prevention and curing program. You are guessing: "Dietary changes you made are also a form of cleansing." But, most people need more then this, especially when it comes to liver health. Body Cleansing is even important for children. Our internal organs can hold a lot toxins, and sometimes, it is impossible to get those toxins out, without doing cleansing. Our liver can contain hundreds of intrahepatic stones. Those stones will block bile flow, and affect the bases of your health, your digestion. Another problem are parasites. You must learn as much as possible about parasites. And, don't forget also dental toxins.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Three kinds of diet pills

There are three kinds of diet pills. The first diet pill is the kind that raises your metabolism; this is a kind of upper and will have an effect more like caffeine then anything. The next kind of diet pill is designed to stop you from getting hungry, this is an appetite suppressant. The third kind of diet pill is a much different, this kind of pill stops your body from metabolizing either fats or carbohydrates to try and make you not get penalized for what you eat. There is a fourth kind of diet pill, diuretics but these are not good at all for anyone’s diet as they get rid of water and as we all know water is essential to life. Do not take diuretics!

1. Metabolism raising diet pills

OK, first kind of pill raises your metabolism. This is an effective way to lose weight as the number of calories that you burn per hour at rest can make a big difference in how much weight you lose. Be prepared to be hungry though as your body will just naturally try to get you to eat more food to counteract this raised metabolism. The most common pills to do this either have ephedrine or ma huang or some kind of green tea.

2. Stopping hunger with diet pills

This one has been in the news a lot lately. Instead of worrying about the output of your body you control the input this way if you do not eat you should lose weight. The most popular diet pill on the market for suppressing your appetite is of course Hoodia. Hoodia seems to work but the problem is that if you go to Wal-Mart you will see lots of diet pills with Hoodia, the trouble is in the way all of these products have been created these is not much Hoodia in them at all and it is just mostly fillers.

3. Fat and carb blocking diet pills

The last kind of diet pill allows you to eat but what it does instead is not allow your body to metabolize either fats or carbs. I would lump these together as some diets say low carb and some diets say low fat. Your choice on what diet works best for you. These are kind of exciting as this is a whole new way to deal with weight loss and I would guess that you would quickly learn what you are doing wrong with your diet depending on which one of these works best for you

There is a lot to learn about diet pills and whether they will work for you or not. My own advice is to go first with diet and exercise, these should work. If you still can not find a way to lose the weight continue with the good habits and then supplement with what you need. Is your metabolism slow? Do you binge eat sometimes? Does your body store the carbs or fat to easily? Good luck with your diet and weight loss goals.

Monday, June 18, 2007

How to Prevent a Sinus Headache

A sinus headache is symptomatic of inflamed sinuses, either from infection or allergies. Preventing the inflammation from occurring in the first place will help prevent sinus headaches.


  1. Eat well to keep your immune system strong, and stay away from people with colds and flu.
  2. Wash your hands frequently, and keep your hands away from your face. If your finger grazes an infectious organism and you put your finger near your nose, you will inhale that infectious organism.
  3. Exercise aerobically at least four times a week. Exercise helps the sinuses drain naturally, which reduces the likelihood that they will become clogged and inflamed.
  4. Avoid cigarette smoke and allergens. If you are sensitive to pollens, molds, pet dander, certain foods or dust, stay away from them.
  5. Drink plenty of water. Good hydration encourages your nose to drain naturally, thereby reducing the chances of nasal and sinus congestion.
  6. Sleep sinus-healthy. Elevating the head of your bed 6 inches will help your sinuses drain better. Consider putting two 6-inch blocks under the legs of your headboard if you are prone to sinus headaches.
  7. Avoid chocolate. Concentrated sweets may cause swelling in the nasal membranes, resulting in inflamed sinuses.
  8. Stand on your head. This is the best way for sinuses to drain. If you are prone to sinus headaches, standing on your head a few minutes every day may be just enough to keep your sinuses clear and keep you headache-free.

Tips & Warnings

* Regular hand washing is the single best thing you can do to prevent infection of all types, including sinusitis. When you wash your hands in a public restroom, don't put your clean hands on the dirty door handle as you walk back out. Use the towel you wiped your hands on to grab the restroom door handle. Once you are out of the restroom, drop your towel into the wastebasket.
* If you have any questions or concerns, contact a physician or other health care professional before engaging in any activity related to health and diet. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

Healthy Task Lists

1. Its just a matter of time management. Activity should be a daily occurrence. Walk, run or jump for a minimum total of 20 minutes a day.

2. Protect your skin. The heat of the sun nowadays is very high. Sun block should be applied on face, neck, arms and hands even in the dead of winter. It protects against climatic toxins too. Moisturize skin daily.

3. Eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products and small amounts of protein. Avoid sweets and other processed foods and foods with a lot of calorie.

4. Meditate or spend a little of your time in quiet place. You will find a different fellings .

5. Discover what inspires you, raises your level of consciousness, motivates you, and satisfies your soul. Find your spiritual self.

6. Exercise your brain. Read, study, solve problems, and learn new skills. As does the body, the brain atrophies with lack of use.

7. Hug somebody. This will really make yourself difference try huging your friend everyday or start it in your family. You will find a great happines and you can have tons of friend :) .

Essential Health Tips

***Essential Health Tips****

* Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Walking with you kids or your dog; playing with friends or kids. Anything that makes you move not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. It doesn't have to be an hour in gym for aerobics and other fitness course.

*Avoid Fatty foods such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty foods such as pork, bacon, ham etc. Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts.

*Quit Smoking - A lot of people now a days have really up to smoking habit and its really can affect to your health. Not only for Guys but some of women are now also in the use of smoking as they say a pastime?. Not a good idea the are a lot of thing that can be done aside from this and for the women it is really bad and can really affect not only to you but for your kids as well specially for a pregnant women.

*Keep a Positive Mental Outlook There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. As they say smiling or laughing can only stresses a few nerves rather than getting mad or anger all the time :). So stay happy and have a good health.

Stay Healthy

Are you Healthy? Below are some of the good important tips to stay healthy "health is weath" There are a lot of thing you can do to stay healthy:

1. Do proper diet - maintaining a good diet is very important to us. This is where your health first start. Eat much can cause a lot of conflicts and can cause sever decease too. eating is not bad. Though some of us really love to eat, but we have to put some limitations on it.

2. Do some exercise - getting at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. This is generally this generaly helps you. Gardening or housework can also qualify. Some weight training is also recommended for your overall exercise plan. Try to do some exercise every day. If you want to use aerobic exercise to control blood pressure or insulin resistance, you should do some at least every other day. If you want to lose weight, 60 minutes a day is recommended. That 30 minutes is a minimum.

3. Take a good rest - Most of us really rushing our days to work and work and we dont even thing that this can also lead us to illness. Taking care of ourself is really important for what is the use of your money if it will only be use in Medical expenses if you got ill. Of course who wants to be ill? no one wants it so take care of your self.

4. Food Balancing - chosing food is also important. This is what our body needs in order for us to work and have strenght. Proper food balance can help us a lot in maintaining our health.

***This Tips are just a few of millions of tips ouround; this is just a very simple tips but can bring a huge Impact to your health.